Saturday, June 21, 2003

1)Starting time: 2:48am
2)Full name:Chan Shun Sang Samson
3)Nicknames: sam, low fu(tiger), samsung...:oP
4)School: Monash Uni (Aus)
6)Eyes: black
8)Siblings: one younger sis.
9)Been So drunk before?: no
10)Ever cheated or been cheated on?: yes (games...)
11)Ever missed school because it was raining?: no
12)Set any body part on fire for amusement?:no
13)Kept a secret from everyone? : it depends on who
14)Had an imaginary friend?: no..dun really understand this...
16)Cried during a Flick?:no
17)Had a crush on a teacher? nonsense
18)Ever thought of animated characters?:yes (Iori Yamasaki and Takumi)
19)Ever at anytime owned a 'New Kids on the block? : huh???
20)Ever prank called someone:
21)Been on stage: yes.. many times
23)Colors:black, white, blue, grey, red
24)Summer/Winter?:both but prefer winter...
25)Online site: of course blogger lah
26)Lace, silk or satin: wat??
27)Like anyone: not like, is love...
28)Who have you known the longest of your friends:Harry Go (Go fu), Charles Zheng, Reuben Wong
29)Who's the loudest:not sure
30)Who's the shyest: not sure
31)Who do you go to for advice: parents, g.f
32)Who do you get along with:some good close friends in my life
-----------IN THE LAST 2 WEEKS HAVE YOU------------
33)Cried: yes
34)Been mean: not really
36)Been sarcastic: no
37)Met someone new:yes
38)Talked to someone you have a crush on?:no
39) Missed someone: yes, too many to mention
40)Hugged someone:no
41)Fought with your parent(s):no
42)Wished upon a star: no
43)Laughed until you've cried:no, but stomach ache...
44)Played Truth or Dare: no
45)Watched a sunrise/sunset: no time
46)Went to the beach at night:no beach in Gippsland
47)Read a book for fun?: no, for study purpose
48)Ate a meal: of course 3 times aday
49)Are you lonely?: no, many friends around
50)Are you happy?:yes
51)Are you talking to someone online?:no
52)God/Devil: yes
53)Love: yes
54)The Closet Monster:no
55)The Big Bang Theory:may be.. in scientific terms
56)Heaven/hell: yes
57)Superstitions:not really
58)Full Name:
59)Who named you:parents
60)Backstreet Boys or N Sync?:none
61)When was the last time you showered?:just now
62)What was the last thing that you said when u were online:hey
63)What is right next to you?:yanchyaun's mouse and my mouse, Zyan, jamie and Yanchyuan
64)What is your computer desk made of?: using laptop...
65)What was the last thing that you ate: my dinner for last night (cos now is morning)
67)Where would you want to go on your honeymoon?: as long as it is a romantic place
68)Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?:ermm..of course...
69)How's the weather right now?:winter, cold
71)Thing that you find attractive about the opposite sex?:eh...hehhehe apperance?? may be?
72)How do YOU eat an Oreo?: chew like a cookie monster
74)Dream car?:BMW, Ferrari, Mazda Rx-series, Skyline, Subaru
75)What do you want to be when you grow up:be a man, musician
77)Favorite music?: R&B, Rock, Hard rock, Pop (X-japan, Beyond etc)
79)Favorite food?:all food...except chilli stuff
80)Favorite days of the week?: Friday
83)If you could change your name, what would it be?:never, cos samson is the strongest...hahha!
84)Do you sleep with a stuffed animals:no animal pls
85)The most stupid thing you have ever done?:dun know
86)First Son's name?:wat??!! not yet pls...
87)Husband? :hello..i am a male..+_+
88)First daughter?:again, "wat??!! not yet pls..."
89)Fave drink:ice tea, milk tea (lia char)
90)You like scary or funny movies better?: funny, no action and war...
91)On the phone or in person?:in person
92)Lust or Love?: love
93)If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? my physical
94)Do you consider cheerleading a sport?: no pls
95)Do you have pets?: yes, lucas..=) and prince passed 2 years ago...=o(
96)Who sent this survey to you?:My sister
97)What do you think about this person?: quite cute sometimes
98)What is your favorite song? plenty of them
100) Do you want your friends to do this survey? fact i already ask Zyan, jamie and Yanchyuan to do so...
101)Time Finished ?:3:14am
~ eNjoY deaRS ~

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