Friday, May 09, 2003

Just finished bio lab, so the story of dissecting a rat has been fully completed by me and my partner. Throughout the whole process was very interesting, is just like investigating your own body and organ systems. Housemate Ledam is having Insomia, pretter poor and really bad. Can't sleep, can't really eat much, lose focus in studies because too tired and the stubborn brain just can't shut being atttack by an comp virus that couldn't shut down the system. I am so glad that i can fall asleep very easily and i am a fast sleeper. I can sleep anywhere i wish to...on the bus, train, chair, sometimes lectures, on my bed (definitely), infront of computer etc....It is so easy to fall asleep. Sometimes if i am extreme tired, i can fall asleep within ten seconds!! (my g.f did the count for me) i like pig??.. but i can force myself to wake up before 9am, although i might sleep at 3am on the night (morning) before.

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