Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Today going to be another practice at 5pm for Saturaday. On Monday we settled that ISA will not be providing food, but instead will be sponsoring us some funding for the food. There is not going to be "feast", just some finger foods and snacks. Geraldine is preparng and buying those food, thanks Geraldine. Chem lab almost finish, left the discussion part. This time, i don't know what to talk about in the discusion part, the experiment is just "nothing much to talk about". Currently having a crack on my lips...i don't know why, so i can't open my mouth too big, otherwise the crack on my lips will break and reopen even though it is recovering, and red colour mixture of fluid will seep out from that crack... I have an encounter with Magpie recently, because now is the season of "reproducing". Those birds are very protective, definitely they have "babies " just born or "youngster" at their nests. Once on Sunday morning, nearly got attacked and pecked by those magpie birds. I wanted to use my drumstick to wack them, fortunately they able to escape from my attack. Those bords are so big like a crow and at the same time the first impression was- their size is just like a chicken... Impressively one night i saw 2 baby birds (other species) together with 2 parents birds near at my house as i walked home. When those parents saw me, they started to "scream", just as they were scolding me to get lost... Now is the reason of spring, everywhere little wild flowers are blossoming with all kinds of colours, so beautiful.

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