Thursday, August 07, 2003

Actually public relation office the main job is to ask for sponsership around. Other than that if any committee needs help, i can help them. Phew...i really don't know how is it going to be, because i have no experiences on asking other company of people for sponsership, i hope it is ok and work it quite well. Surely will get some rejections and etc. But i just keep on trying and do the best that i can. Tomorrow night we are going to organise a movie night, the movie is American pie- The wedding day. Booth will be setting up these 2 days. Sorry guys, i can't go (esp Zyan & Yanchyuan), because i have to go to Adelaide this weekend. Will be flying over there tomorrow morning. Another thing is, last night i had dinner together some other chistian fellowship (C.F) friends, also they all are my church friends over here. Only me and Christopher are so called the "muso"...mean musician can play guitar, so i am playing for the c.f meeting on Tues at 1-2pm, but alternatively switch with Chris....So far i am holding a position of ISA public relation office; secondly, guitarist for c.f meeting on alternative Tuesday; thirdly radio station DJ on Fri 6:05pm - 7:30pm and lastly, definitely i have to serve the church by playing guitar and playing drums. that''s all i think, since i am quite "busy" so i really need to spend more time on study and have supreme good time management for all my works and stuffs.

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